Dry Needling
Dry needling is a procedure in which the clinician inserts a thin filament needle (usually a traditional acupuncture needle) into a muscle, tendon, or ligament for therapeutic purposes. It can help reduce pain or tension in a muscle, improve its biochemical and electrical function, jumpstart the healing process in an area of chronic inflammation, and accelerate the return to active rehabilitation.
94 Auburn St Suite 103
Portland, ME 04103
Office: (207) 797-7578
Fax: (207) 797-8165
55 Congress Ave Suite 6
Bath, ME 04530
Office: (207) 386-0351
Fax: (207) 386-0181
23 Bridgton Road Suite 2
Westbrook, ME 04092
Office: (207) 797-3477
Fax: (207) 797-8577
48 Tandberg Trail
Windham, ME 04062
Office: (207) 892-3952
Fax: (207) 892-4678
50 Forest Falls Dr
Yarmouth, ME 04096
Office: (207) 846-8725
Fax: (207) 846-8728