The sun’s warmth has finally come out of hibernation, and the snowbanks have fully retreated. Everyone is looking out their windows and itching to go on a springtime walk. A significant portion of Mainers, myself included, are largely sedentary during the winter months. We need to do a couple of minutes of preparation before going out on a two-mile springtime walk to get in all that Vitamin D. Before your walk, try these two stretches.

Calf stretch

Stand facing a wall with your feet staggered. Keep your back heel down on the ground and breathe out fully through your lips as you reach forward to the wall. Remain in this forward position as you breathe in through your nose and then exhale through your lips again. Stay in this position for 6 full exhales and then do the same thing on the other leg.

Lower Back Stretch

Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Breathe out through your lips as you slide your hands down the front of your legs. Continue reaching your hands down your legs until you cannot go any further as long as you are pain-free. Stay in this curled forward position, breathe in through your nose, and exhale through your lips again for another six breaths.

Now you are ready for that walk in the sunshine and the breeze on your face!


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Portland (207) 797-7578
Westbrook (207) 797-3477
Windham (207) 892-3952
Yarmouth (207-846-8725
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